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No claims of absolute originality are made for this material. As one man said, "I milk a lot of cows, but I churn my own butter." Please use these sermons as the Lord leads, but nothing on this site may be used for profit without my expressed, written permission!
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Song of Solomon 5:8-16 HE’S ALL THAT…AND SOMUCH MORE! Intro: The Song of Solomon is only one of
two books in the Bible that does not mention God. The other is the book of
Esther. This omission has caused the book to be viewed as controversial. Some
question why this book is even included in the canon of Scripture. Yet, the
Jews have accepted it as inspired Scripture for thousands of years. They see within its pages an allegory of
the relationship between Israel and Jehovah. They view this book as a symbolic
illustration of God’s love for the Jewish people. Christians take a somewhat different
viewpoint. Many Christian theologians look at the Song of Solomon as an
allegory of the relationship between Jesus Christ and His Bride, the church. I think there is enough in the book to
satisfy both viewpoints, while there are problems with both as well. In my opinion, this book is a love story. It
was written to chronicle the passionate love between a man and his bride. There
are some typological teachings in the book, but for the most part, it is a
factual story of genuine love. By the way, it is a beautiful picture of how
married love is to be exercised and enjoyed by a married couple. Be that as it may, there is no doubt that
there are pictures of our Lord painted on the canvas of this book. In these
verses, we have one of the clearest and brightest. In 5:2-7
the bridegroom comes to the bedchamber of his bride. He has come to spent time
with the love of his life. When he arrives, she is sleeping and does not wish
to get up to let him in, v. 3. He
longs for her and reaches in through an opening in the door in an effort to
plead with her, v. 4. Her heart is
stirred by his love for her and she rises to allow him to enter, v. 5-6a, but he has already gone away, v. 6b. She calls him; she looks for him,
but she cannot find him, v. 6. While
she searches for him in the late night, she is mistaken for a woman of the
evening by the city guards and she is mistreated, v. 7. Before I get to what I want to preach
about, let me just mention the wealth of truth contained in this image. How
many times has Jesus come to us longing for our attention, our love; just to
spend a little time with us? How many times have we turned Him away? Maybe we
were too busy. Maybe we were too caught up in our own selves to bother with
Him. Maybe the timing was inconvenient for us. Whatever the reason, He came to
us and we turned Him away. That happens far more than it should! When the
heavenly Bridegroom comes to us wanting he attention of His Bride, we should
lay aside everything to spend time with the Lover of our souls! Who knows what we have missed by not being
receptive to His advances. We turn Him away, but we think that He should always
be ready to meet with us when we want Him. It doesn’t always work that way!
When He calls to us, He wants us to respond to His call. He wants us to spend
time with Him willingly! The bride cannot find her bridegroom, and
she is mistreated and misunderstood by those who do not understand their
relationship. According to verse 2 she is recounting a dream. This dream is so vivid that it
awakens a desire within her heart for her beloved. In an effort to find him, she enlists the help
of some of the other young women in town, v.
8. She wants them to help her find him. She wants them to tell him when
they do that she is lovesick over him, and misses him greatly. Their response is one of sarcasm, v. 9. They say, “What makes him so special? What
does he have going for him that makes him so much better than other men?” That is just the opening the bride needs!
She is so filled with love for her beloved that she begins to tell them why he
is so great. There is a slang term that has been in use
for a while, I suppose it still is. It is used when someone or something is
better than anything or anyone else. The expression I am referring is “all
that”. When someone is “all that”, they are “of a
superior nature; wonderful or attractive.” So, for us older folks, if
you ever hear a young person say that someone is “all that and a bag of potato
chips”; what they mean is this: “That person is over the top. They are in a
league by themselves.” In the 50’s they were “dreamy”. In the 60’s they
were “groovy”. In the seventies they were “hip”. In the 80’s they
were “cool”. In the 90’s they were “awesome”. Today, they are
that”. Got it? OK! If the Shulamite woman was here today and
we asked her to tell us why he beloved was so special, she might just look at
us and say, “He’s all that!” I want to take this bride’s description of
her bridegroom and talk about our Savior. What she had to say about her beloved
has much to teach us about our Beloved. I want to preach on the thought He’s
All That…And So Much More! Let me show you why Jesus is all that! I. THE
BRIDEGROOM (v. 10A) A. White
is the color of purity. Ruddy is the description of a person
in the bloom of health. This woman looks at her beloved as the essence of
purity and health. B. These two phrases are a good description of
our Beloved as well. ·
He is pure, 1 Pet. 2:2; 1 John 3:5; 2 Cor. 5:21. He
is holy. Sin was not even an option with Jesus.
He was tempted, but sin had no chance against the absolute purity of our
Redeemer. As a pure, holy man, Jesus was able to lay down His life on the cross
for His people. When He shed His blood, He was shedding innocent blood. The
innocent was giving His life for the guilty. It was a sacrifice accepted by
God, 1 John 2:2. ·
He is ruddy. Jesus was the
picture of manliness! He was not longhaired, emaciated, anemic weakling! He was
not the pasty-faced, little man portrayed by the artist’s brush! Jesus was a
man’s man! His muscles had been toned in the carpenter shop as He fashioned ox
yokes and made stone wheels for wagons. He would have been made physically
powerful by the many miles He walked across the mountains and through the
valleys of Palestine. His prowess is proven by the fact that He
alone was able to take a whip and drive the money changers from the Temple, not
once, but twice, John 2:13-17; Matt.
21:12-13. No man tried to stop Him! Surely Jesus was the picture of health and
the epitome of godly manhood. He was everything Adam could have been had he not
sinned. Jesus was all that and more! II. THE
BRIDEGROOM (v. 10b) A. The Shulamite woman looks at her beloved and
she calls him “the chiefest among ten thousand”. She says, “When
you see him you will know! There’s nobody like him!” This calls to mind the day David walked in
the Valley of Elah to face down Goliath. Saul looked at the giant and said, “He’s
too big to fight!” David looked at Goliath and said, “He’s
too big to miss!” David faced the giant and David killed the giant.
After the battle, the woman of Israel lifted their voices in song and said, “…Saul
hath slain his thousands, and David his ten thousands,” 1 Samuel 18:7. From that day to this
David has been the “chiefest among ten thousand” to the Jewish mind. B. Our Beloved is worthy of more praise than
David! Our Beloved entered the valley of death, faced down sin, Satan and the
grave and carried off the victory! And, when we see the veil pulled back and we
are allowed a glimpse inside that heavenly city, we see Him, the Lamb of God,
surrounded by angels, “and the number of them was ten thousand
times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands,” Rev. 5:11. They are all praising Him! Everywhere you look in the
book of Revelation you see the Lamb receiving praise from those He has redeemed
by His blood, Rev. 4:8-11; 5:8-14;
7:9-12. There’s nobody like Him! But, that’s not all! His Father has “highly
exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: (10) That at the
name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth,
and things under the earth; (11) And
that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God
the Father,” Phil. 2:9-11. One day every saint and sinner, every
angel and created being, every demon and Satan himself, will bow at the feet of
Jesus and worship Him. Every king, prince, dictator, president and elected
official will bow before Him. Every celebrity and dignitary; every famous and
infamous person who has ever lived, will prostrate themselves in humility
before the King of Kings one day! There’s no one who is worthy to stand in His
presence. He is the greatest of the great! C. All I am trying to say is this: “He’s
all that and so much more!” III. THE
11-16) (Ill. In these next
six verses, the Shulamite tries to describe the physical attributes of her
beloved. She tells these other ladies why he is “all that”. In these words
designed to describe a man, I can see an image of the Master. Let’s see how the
flattery of this bride reveals our Redeemer.) A. v. 11a His Primacy – This phrase
describes Him as the sovereign king. When He was here on this earth, He was the
son of a peasant woman, but there was royal blood in His veins. He was the
descendant of King David. When men saw Him, they just saw another Jew. But, a
few caught of glimpse of His glory. The demons saw it and cried, “What
have I to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of the most high God? I adjure thee by
God, that thou torment me not,” Mark
5:7. Peter caught a glimpse of it and said, “Thou art the Christ, the Son of the
living God,” Matt. 16:16.
One day the whole world will see it and bow to Him, “For it is written, As I live,
saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to
God,” Rom. 14:11. Since the early days of the earth kings
have risen up lay claim to this world. Each ruled for a time and then vanished
away. Nimrod, David, Solomon, Nebuchadnezzar, Alexander the Great, Napoleon,
Charlemagne, Hitler and others have tried to rule the world. They are all dead
and gone. One day Jesus will come, the crown will be
placed upon His head. He will rule forever as the “King of Kings and Lord of Lords.” B. v. 11b His Power – This speaks of a man
who is in the prime of his life. It describes a man who is at the height of His
power and strength. These words paint a wonderful picture of
our Savior. He has more power than we can imagine. He simply spoke and this
universe came into being, Gen. 1. He
is able to take a few loaves and fish and feed a multitude. He can walk on
water, heal the sin, cast out devils and raise the dead. He can touch a fevered
brow and speak peace to a troubled heart. He can do more than we can imagine, Eph. 3:20. He is all-knowing,
all-presence and all-powerful. He is the “great I AM!” The world sees Him hanging dead on a cross
and all they see is weakness. What they fail to see is that man may have nailed
Him to a cross, but they were only able to do so because He allowed them to!
They see that broken, bloody body sealed in a tomb. To the lost, that is the
end of the story. What they do not see is three days after He died; Jesus arose
in power and glory. He came out of the grave and walked away with victory over
death, Hell and the grave. If He can do that, He can do anything! C. v. 12 His Perception – Our Lord sees
everything! He has witnessed everything that has ever transpired and everything
thing that has ever been thought about. He sees it all! He watched this world take shape. He
watched Adam take his first steps in the world. In fact, the first sight Adam
ever saw was the piercing eyes of our Lord. He saw the body of Lazarus as it
lay in the tomb, and at the same time, He saw the soul of Lazarus safe in
Paradise. The Savior looked at Lazarus and he came back to this world and walked
out of the tomb alive! He saw the demons flee from Mary Magdalene’s soul. He
saw the darkness in the heart of Judas. He saw Peter when Peter denied that he
knew the Lord. He looked down through time to see you and
me. He saw us as the sinners we were and are. He saw our wickedness and yet He
kept His gaze of love locked on us. He watched us as we came to Him for
salvation. Now, His eyes are still on us. He watches us to guide us, to love
us, to minister to us. One day when this life is over, we will soar away to
glory and we will look into those eyes in Heaven! D. v. 13a His Perfume – To be near Him is
to breathe the scent of glory. To be in His presence is to smell the rarified
air of that heavenly land. How many times have the saints been
overwhelmed with the stench of this world? When that saint turns away from the
pain, the sorrow, the burdens and the problems of this life and gets lost in
the presence of the Lord, this world swiftly fades into insignificance. That
was David’s experience, Psa. 27:1-6.
That was Job’s experience, Job 1:20-21.
It can be our experience as well! E. v. 13b His Pronouncements – As our
Beloved moved through this world, He was continually speaking the words of hope
and life. When the Jews heard Him speak they said, “Never man spake like this man,”
John 7:46. How true! Whether Jesus was at a wedding, a funeral,
the bedside of an invalid or at the deathbed, He always had the right words to
say! To Martha it was “Thy brother shall rise again.” To
Lazarus it was, “Come forth”. To the leper it was “I will be thou clean.” To
the demons is was “Come out of him”. To the winds and waves it was “Peace,
be still.” To the lame man it was “Rise and walk.” To the dying thief it
was “Today
shalt thou be with Me in paradise.” To the crowds that crucified Him it
was “Father
forgive them, they know what they do.” To the disciples it was “I
will not leave you comfortless, I will come to you.” To the Father it
was “It
is finished!” Thank God there is still myrrh falling
from the lips of the Son of God. He is still calling sinners to Him. He is
still raising dead men to life. He is still speaking peace to troubled souls.
Thank God for His pronouncements! F. v. 14a His Proficiency – Our attention
is drawn to His hands. His hands had shaped the dust into a man and brought the
dust to life. His hands touched the little children who came to Him. His hands
touched the litter on which lay the body of the widow Nain’s son and raised him
from the dead. His hands touched the leper and delivered him from his disease. His
hands touched thousands of lives while He was here. Then, those hands were
nailed to the cross when He died there for you and me. Today, those hands hold
the scepter that identifies Jesus as the King of all. When He comes again those
hands will receive His children and vanquish His enemies. I praise God for the
day my heart felt the tender touch of the Son of God! G. v. 14b His Person – The body our Savior
wore while He was here was nothing special from a human standpoint, Isa. 53:2. He looked like an ordinary
Jew. But, when you consider the nature of His human body, you understand that
Jesus was Someone pretty special. After all, He was God in human flesh, Phil. 2:5-8. Jesus became a man for one reason.
He did so that He might die for me! Bless His name! No wonder the saints want
to praise Him! H. v. 15a His Permanence – “Legs”
speak of His standing. He is stable and He will never be overthrown! No one was
able to overcome Him while He was here. No one has been able to overcome Him in
Heaven. No one will overcome Him in the Tribulation, the Millennium or in
eternity. He stands today and He will stand forever. He is Lord and He always
will be. I. v. 15b His Presence – The cedars of
Lebanon were renowned around the world for their beauty, their stateliness and
their majesty. When we see Jesus, we will see One Who is worthy of worship,
praise and glory. This world mocks Him today, but there is coming a day when
every saint, every sinner, every demon and every devil will bow in His presence
and exalt Him. When we see Him, we not see a lowly
Nazarene. We will not see an ordinary man. When we see Him, we will see the
King in all His glory. We will be lost in the wonder, the power and the majesty
of our Lord! J. v. 16a His Passion – The Shulamite
thinks of the kiss of her beloved and she thrills at the thought. How the soul
of the redeemed saint of God stirs when it remembers the sweetness of His kiss
of grace! When we remember where and what we were. When we remember how He came
to us in love, grace and mercy and saved us from our sins and how He gave us
new life in Jesus. When we consider all that we have in Him, we remember the
sweetness of His kiss and we bless His name! We were not worthy of His love. We
deserved only death, Hell and judgment. But, He loved us! He didn’t just love
us; He died for us and shed His blood on the cross so that we might be saved by
grace. He made a way for people who did not deserve a thing He came to provide
for them! What a Savior. That is why the saints of God rejoice in Him and say “He’s
all that, and so much more!” Conc: The Shulamite woman looks at her
beloved and sums up her evaluation of him by saying “He is altogether lovely!”
In other words, she is saying, “He’s all that, and so much more! He’s perfect!
There is no blemish in Him at all!” Can you say that about Jesus? Is He “all
that” to you? If so, why don’t you take a few minutes to tell Him how
you feel about Him? If you don’t Him and all that makes His so
special, why don’t you come before Him and ask Him into your heart to be your
Savior and Lord? If there are needs, you come! |
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Copyright 2003 by Alan Carr |